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Who or what am I?
I'm an enterprising space captain who was played by Chris Pratt in "Guardians of the Galaxy". Who am I?
I was the first Japanese-American woman elected to Congress, who am I?
Who said, "In politics stupidity is not a handicap."?
What is the actual meaning of the word "Bauhaus"?
Who said, "Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd."?
My interview with Saddam Hussein in Iraq aired on TV in Iraq in 2003, who am I?
What is the name of the mutated rat on "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles"?
I am the author who created Hannibal Lecter, who am I?
I've been the Queen of England since 1952. Who am I?
What is a piece of furniture used to hold books?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Literature Quiz
Extremely Hard History Quiz, most people score only 3 out of 10.
General knowledge quiz