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Do you remember these old cities?
The city of Cadiz has remains dating back how many years?
The ancient city of Constantinople stands at the entrance to which sea?
Which civilisation founded the city of Flores in Guatemala, around 1000 BC?
The University in which Italian city is Europe's oldest?
The city of Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton, is in which country?
The history of Jerusalem dates back how many years?
Which is the oldest city in Australia?
In 2005, the Dutch city of Nijmegen celebrated how many years of existence?
Cusco, ancient capital of the Aztec empire, is in which modern country?
When Danzig became part of Poland, what did it change its name to?
We selected 3 interesting quizzes for you
Who or what am I?
Who or what am I?
Do you remember these old cities?