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General knowledge quiz

Question 1
What does the first character in the serial code of a Euro banknote denote?
Question 2
In which year was "Neighbours" first broadcast?
Question 3
If you earn $12 in 5 minutes, how much will you earn in 1 hours?
Question 4
How many squares are there on a chessboard?
Question 5
Donuts are packaged in sixes, how many packs do you need to buy in order to have 156 donuts?
Question 6
What name was given to the 1948 Olympic games held in London?
Question 7
Who had a leading role in 2006's The Departed?
Question 8
Starring Matt Damon and Heath Ledger, which 2005 movie sees the duo vanquishing monsters and demons?
Question 9
What is the name of the computer hacker played by Keanu Reeves in the Matrix films?
Question 10
If you read 1/5 of the books on a book shelf of 1500, roughly how many books would you have left to read?
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