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Literature Quiz
What, apart from strawberry mouse is added to chocoballs (in the third Harry Potter book)?
Who wrote "The more things change, the more they stay the same"?
What character in "Catch-22" is always selling things?
In 1959, Chinua Achebe wrote which classic?
What 2014 crime fiction novel written by J. K. Rowling is a sequel to 2013's "The Cuckoo's Calling"?
In the "Harry Potter" books, what was the first name of the founder of Ravenclaw?
Which author tells the tale of a father and his young son struggling in a post-apocalyptic America?
The 1959 book titled, "Henderson the Rain King", was written by?
In the book "Miss Nelson is Missing", who substitutes for Miss Nelson?
What four-part TV miniseries is based on a Stephen King novel?
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